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Our Innovative Products
Comprehensive. Unique. Benchmarked.
An innovative solution that optimizes your outpatient expenses while providing your members with unique, personalized high-quality medical care, around the world.
Expensive ER bills for minor ailments are often the result of seeking medical care abroad. Payers endure the burden of healthcare cost inflation while patients experience a lower standard of care. StandbyMD was designed to tackle these challenges in a more efficient approach than other solutions on the market, around the globe. StandbyMD is the only worldwide, on-demand directional care program for outpatient services, using a unique risk management algorithm, suggesting the ER only when it is deemed medically necessary.
Depending on the patient’s situation and needs, StandbyMD uses four levels of services to refer patients to the right type of care, improving the Client Journey and reducing potential costs.
Visit standbyMD.com to learn more about StandbyMD and how it can help enhance your members’ experience and make your approach more cost-efficient.
An essential but often overlooked part of cost containment is bill editing.
At Global Excel, we use powerful software designed to quickly identify billing errors on inpatient, physician, and outpatient bills – it all adds up to significant savings opportunities for you!
X-Routing assigns a risk profile to each bill, based on several factors, including, but not limited to:
- Comparison to different benchmarks (e.g. Medicare in the USA)
- Drug, lab or implant components
- Hospital acquired conditions
- Legal issues
- High cost acute conditions
- Experimental conditions
- Coding errors
Complex Claims Unit
We’ve provided years of catastrophic claims services for both international and U.S.-based domestic claims.
Global Excel’s comprehensive range of services allows us to address the needs of insurers, reinsurers, assistance companies and U.S.-based TPAs, including some of the largest in the world. We’ve honed and refined our large claim management techniques for over 20 years – they work well!
Global Excel works very closely with the insurer and, if requested, the insured, to ensure peace-of-mind throughout the entire experience. Claims of this nature can be extremely complex, so we make the process transparent for all, from beginning to end. This includes the risk-taker, any assistance company involved, possibly the insured and, naturally, the healthcare provider. Financial arrangements are locked in and signed off by the provider, with the insurer in control at all times.
Our highly specialized Complex Claims Unit (CCU) examines financial, legal, and clinical issues surrounding each complex claim.
GEM Clinical™ and
GEM Clinical Xpress™
If you prefer to manage cases yourself, but would occasionally like extra support with large cases in the United States, Global Excel offers GEM Clinical™ and GEM Clinical Xpress™.
These products are available only for inpatient cases in the U.S. Both GEM Clinical™ and GEM Clinical Xpress™ allow you to maintain all contact with your patient and retain all decision-making power / approval for services provided by U.S. facilities.
Global Excel gathers the necessary medical information and shares this with you, along with our own medical recommendations pertaining to continued treatment, fit-to-fly timelines and assessments, alternative treatment options and, when applicable, cost-benefit analyses comparing optional care scenarios. We rely on industry-approved care guidelines to effectively oversee care and avoid overtreatment.
GEM Guide
Global Excel’s directional tool provides you with:
- Unlimited access to the most current network provider listing in a user-friendly format
- The ability to quickly locate network physicians, hospitals, pharmacies and ancillary facilities
- The option to search for providers by address, name or automated quick search
- Accurate mapping and directions to specific provider addresses
- The option to download and print or email customized directories